Physically, a person affected with ergophobia may begin to experience:
- Palpitations (rapid heartbeats)
- Shortness of breath
- Headaches/stomach problems
- Body trembling/shaking
- Nausea or dizziness
They also give off some psychological symptoms that include:
- Severe anxiety or dread at the thought of going to work
- Worsening distress over work-related interactions or tasks
- Feelings of helplessness or insufficiency
- Fear of failure, criticism, or embarrassment in work-related settings/environments
- Depression related to work avoidance
In addition, individuals with ergophobia are known to exhibit certain behaviors, some of which:
- Frequently calling in sick or avoiding work
- Procrastination or difficulty in completing tasks
- Panic attacks triggered by work-related situations
- Difficulty focusing or making decisions at work