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Self-care is not selfish
#SelfCareIsntSelfish ! This hashtag is gaining popularity in social media last years, it’s closely related to mental health and correlates with the mission of PsyTech VR - to help people all over the world to forget about mental anxieties
When you squiz the lemon there is nothing left to use, the same is true of the energy. We must take care of ourselves especially mental health because fears, bad moods, stress and other anxieties downgrade the effectiveness, and snowball effect happening here every day.
Claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces
Enclosed spaces are a fear we would like to discuss today, as they become one of the most common phobias. According to statistics, approximately 3% of the world's inhabitants have this type of phobia. Imagine 225 000 000 people face panic attacks, cold and losing their mind while facing the object of their fear in real-life.
Claustrophobes face difficulties everywhere - parking garage, elevator, underground, aircraft, cinema or even if the door closes in the room, and these are the places citizens of megapolis or even small-towns visit every day! Imagine how difficult it is to be under permanent stress.
Let's dig deeper in claustrophobia
This world needs a virtual bridge which will comfortably lead phobia patients from mental visualization to real situations... and here comes the PsyTech VR.
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