A few months ago, we started messaging XR-enthusiasts across LinkedIn and inviting them to test PsyTech VR with Meta Quest! So many people faced our appeals positively, and some of you became our friends! We appreciate everybody for patience. Now we are LIVE in the Store!
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Read the instructions below
1. To enter the VR experience you need a login and password. To get these credentials — click the “join beta test” button on our website (www.psytechvr.com), and we’ll send you a login/password with the email.
One of the beta-testers found the email with credentials in the spam folder. Please,check it
2. We are making a beta-version of PsyTech VR “FREE”: test your fears, help with overcoming phobias to your friends, colleagues, family, etc.
3. This content is in beta version and may not be close to a complete product yet. Please set your expectations accordingly and consider this when leaving a review. You can help us by providing constructive detailed feedback so we can all work towards improving this content as it develops.
This world needs a virtual bridge which will comfortably lead phobia patients from mental visualization to real-life situations of fear, that is the moment when PsyTech VR can help.
Our team has developed a unique VR space that immerses a person in safe phobia training — overcome fears and phobias with PsyTech VR therapy — self-guided training in VR and consultations with therapists using VR telemedicine.
Thanks for reading!
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We are LIVE in the store and FREE for testing Overcome anxieties with PsyTech VR now
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Daniel Andreev
CPO at PsyTech VR
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2025 PSYTECHVR INC. info@psytechvr.com +1 (301) 695-2673x104